August 22

Should You Target Zero Search Volume Keywords?

Updated Apr 28th2024 with most current information

Should You Target Zero Search Volume Keywords?

Should you target zero search volume keywords? As an online business owner, you know that keywords are essential for driving traffic to your website. However, you may have been led to believe that only high-traffic keywords are worth your time and energy. In reality, though, keywords with zero search volume can also be incredibly valuable. This article will discuss reasons why you should target zero search volume keywords, as well as how to find and use them.

What Exactly Are Zero Search Volume Keywords?

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Zero search volume keywords are queries for which there is little to no data on their respective search histories. These keywords are typically longer than general terms with high search volume, and are much more specific in nature. While tools like Google AdWords and Moz can provide general data on the competitiveness of certain keywords, they cannot provide any information on how often these keywords are actually being searched.

The keyword “link building” has hundreds of thousands of searches each month, making it a popular and highly competitive term. However, if you narrow the search down to a more specific query – such as “link building for nail salons” – the number of monthly searches drops to zero. This doesn’t mean that this term isn’t valuable, but rather that it is a more niche query that not many people are searching for.

SEOs and marketing professionals should take these zero search volume keywords into account when optimizing their content and websites. Even though the competition may be lighter, optimizing for these queries can still be valuable because it allows you to target a specific audience who is interested in what you have to offer.

The Difference Between Long Tail and Zero Search Volume Keywords

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In the SEO world, there is a lot of discussion about long tail and zero search volume keywords. But what does that mean, exactly? And what’s the difference between the two?

Zero search volume keywords are the same as long tail search queries, which usually contain at least four words. Users can phrase these queries in many different ways. So, while each question asked separately has nearly zero search volume – all of them combined have considerable search volume.

Take the example above. Users who need to build links for a beauty salon client can search the same question with different variations, like “how to do link building for nail salons,” or “build links for nail salons.” Both are essentially different versions of the same question, each of which may have almost zero search volume on its own.

But when combined, they can bring in a lot of traffic because they’re specific and relevant to what users are looking for. That’s why it’s important to use both long tail and zero search volume keywords in your SEO strategy.

How Do Zero Search Volume Keywords Impact my Site?

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If you’ve ever wondered why some webpages appear at the top of the search engine results pages (SERP) while others languish at the bottom, it all has to do with optimization. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of making sure that your website is as visible and relevant as possible to potential customers who are using search engines like Google. And one of the key components of effective SEO is understanding and catering to the user’s search intent.

In other words, if you can figure out what someone is really looking for when they type a certain phrase into a search engine, you’re more likely to be able to give them what they want – and that’s what will help you earn a top spot in the SERP. Of course, figuring out searcher intent isn’t always easy. But luckily, there are some tools and tricks that can help.

For example, Google’s BERT and MUM algorithms are designed to understand relationships between different phrases and queries, which can give you insights into what people are really looking for. And, of course, doing your own research on popular keywords and phrases can also give you a better idea of what people are searching for and how you can best provide relevant results.

The bottom line is that if you want your website to be visible in the SERP, you need to optimize with searcher intent in mind – and luckily, there are plenty of resources that can help you do just that.

Are Keyword Planner Tools Effective?

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Short answer: yes…to an extent. Each of these tools has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to understand what each one offers before making a decision.

You may notice that these tools can differ widely regarding search volume. That’s because keyword tools make their “best guess” for search volume depending on the information they access. So, for example, while one tool may show that keyword has a search volume of 2,900, another may show the keyword at 9,900 search volume.

Additionally, keyword tools don’t capture low-volume keywords well. That may be because tools need a certain amount of data before the keyword can register in their database. These low-volume keywords are pushed aside because they are perceived as having little to no search volume.

But don’t let this discourage you! Even if a tool misses some low-volume keywords, it will still give you a good starting point for your research. And by using a variety of tools – including both free and paid options – you can get a well-rounded view of the market for your chosen keywords.

So go ahead and try out some keyword planners! Just be sure to use caution when trusting the numbers they generate, and remember that the most important thing is to find keywords that are relevant to your business and audience.

Why You Should Target Zero Volume Keywords

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Here are some of the main reasons you should target zero volume keywords:

Less Competitive

When it comes to SEO, many professionals focus on high-volume keywords that are being searched for by a large number of people. However, there is value in targeting less competitive, or even zero volume, keywords as well. By definition, there will be less competition for these keywords, which means there is a better chance to rank for them. In addition, focusing on less competitive keywords can help you to develop more unique and thoughtful content, which can ultimately lead to better SEO results. So, while it may seem counterintuitive, don’t discount the value of zero volume keywords – they could be the key to your success.

They’re Hyper-Targeted

If you’re looking for an untapped well of keywords to bring new visitors to your website, look no further than zero volume keywords. As the name implies, these are keywords that have very little monthly search volume. However, don’t let the low numbers fool you – these keywords can be extremely valuable.

The reason zero volume keywords are so valuable is because they are often highly relevant to your audience. When people search for these terms, they are typically looking for very specific information. And since there is not a lot of content out there addressing these specific needs, your website has a good chance of ranking high in the search results.

Of course, before you can start reaping the benefits of ranking for zero volume keywords, you need to do your research. Try to get a sense of what people are looking for when they query these terms by looking at the landing pages that are already indexed by Google. Then, take a close look at your competition to see what gaps in information they may have left unscathed. If you can fill those gaps with thoughtful, well-written content, you stand a good chance of becoming the go-to authority on the subject – and bringing lots of new visitors (and potential customers) to your website in the process.

They Generate Traffic

If you’re like most business owners, you want to make sure your website is ranking well for high-volume keywords. After all, ranking well for popular keywords can help you attract more traffic and boost your bottom line. But what if you’re not ranking well for high-volume keywords? Does that mean you should give up on SEO altogether?

Not necessarily. In fact, you may be better off pivoting your SEO strategy to target zero-volume keywords. Here’s why:

First, targeting zero-volume keywords gives you the opportunity to reach new customers. Remember, 15% of queries in Google have never been asked before. That means there’s a whole group of potential customers out there who could be interested in your products or services but haven’t yet had the chance to find you.

Second, when you target zero-volume keywords, you’re more likely to earn organic clicks and leads from long-tail queries. That’s because users who click through to your page from a long-tail query are usually further along in the buying cycle and therefore more likely to convert.

So, if you’re not seeing the results you want from your current SEO strategy, it might be time to give zero-volume keywords a try. You might be surprised at how much success you find.

Tips on Finding the Best Zero Volume Keywords

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Here are some tips to help you find the best zero volume keywords for your business:

Do Your Keyword Research

The first step to finding the right keywords is knowing what people are searching for. So, you must conduct keyword research to determine what keywords people use when searching for your website, products, or services. Look for precise, long-tail keywords. These keywords are less competitive and have less search volume but can be easily dominated with the right content.

Here are some ways to find these long-tail keywords:

Use the “people also ask section” of the SERP, which shows related queries. This tool can help you brainstorm what other topics may be related to your main query. It’s available in mobile and desktop search results, so you can find some good long-tail keywords there.

Another great way to generate long-tail keywords is to use Google’s suggest feature. Start typing in a main keyword related to your business and see what Google suggests. These suggestions are based on real search queries made by people, so they’re good potential keyword ideas.

You can also use Google Trends to see how certain keywords are rising or falling in popularity over time. This can give you some insight into which keywords are worth targeting now and which ones might be worth targeting in the future.

Finally, don’t forget about competitor research. Take a look at what keywords your competitors are targeting and try to identify any gaps in their content strategy that you could fill with your own content. By doing all of this keyword research, you’ll be able to find the perfect mix of high-traffic and low-competition keywords to target with your SEO efforts.

Understand Relevance

When you’re searching for something online, you’re looking for content that is relevant to your query. The most relevant results will typically appear at the top of the search engine results page (SERP).

However, when you are targeting zero search volume keywords, there is no data to help you determine if the keyword is relevant. In this case, you will need to rely on your own experience and understanding of the target keyword phrase.

Try looking for the keyword in forum discussions or social media posts. If people are already talking about the topic, it’s likely that they find it relevant. You can also use tools like Semrush or Moz to see what people are searching for in forums and social media. Keep in mind that you should eliminate brand names when using these tools. Ultimately, by taking the time to understand the target keyword phrase and its use, you can better determine its relevance to your business.

Use Related Keywords

If you’re serious about ranking in Google, you need to be using the right keywords. That means finding keywords that not only have a high search volume but also ones that are relevant to your business and have low competition.

The best way to find these keywords is to start with a seed keyword and then use Google’s Keyword Planner tool and other tools like it to find related keywords. You can also look at other websites in your industry to see what keywords they’re targeting.

Once you’ve found a list of potential keywords, you need to do some research to see how much competition each keyword has. You can do this by searching for the keyword on Google and looking at the number of results that come up.

If there are millions of results, that keyword is going to be very difficult to rank for. However, if there are only a few thousand results, that keyword might be much easier to rank for.

Once you’ve found a list of potential keywords, you need to prioritize them based on their search volume, relevance, and competition levels. Doing this will help you create content that ranks well in Google and brings in organic traffic.

Tips for Driving Traffic With Zero Search Volume Keywords

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Now that you’ve found some zero search volume keywords that are relevant to your business, it’s time to start driving traffic with them. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Cast for a Wide Net of Keywords

When it comes to SEO, one of the most important things to keep in mind is the intent of the people who are searching. After all, if you’re not aiming to capture the right audience, then all your hard work is for nothing. Therefore, when creating your SEO strategy, it’s important to think about all the different ways people might search for your site.

For example, if you’re a beauty salon, someone might search for “haircut near me,” but they might also search for “best hair salon in [your city].” By including a variety of terms in your strategy, you can make sure you’re capturing the intent of all visitors who land on your site. As a result, you’ll be able to drive more traffic and conversions from your SEO efforts.

Focus on Buying Keywords

If you want to sell a product or service, it’s essential to know which keywords people are searching for. Buying keywords are those related to purchasing intent, such as “best,” “top,” or “vs.” While these keywords may have lower search volume, they’re much more specific, and thus can be more effective in driving sales conversions.

By targeting buying keywords, you can reach potential customers who haven’t started researching yet but are likely to be interested in your product or service. You can see what everyone is looking for by checking out the search results on your preferred search engine. Then, craft your marketing campaigns around these key phrases to bring in more business. With the right strategy, you can reach the buyers who are ready to make a purchase – and boost your bottom line in the process.

Targeting buying keywords can be an effective way to reach potential customers who are interested in your product or service. These keywords are often lower in volume because they are very specific, but they can help you target people who are looking for your product or service. Knowing which keywords people are searching for is essential if you want to increase your sales conversions. You can use this information to help you create content that targets these phrases and reaches potential customers who have not yet started researching, but will soon be looking for information about your product or service. Checking out the search results on Google or Bing (or whatever search engine you use) is a good way to see what people are looking for and how you can target your content to reach them.

Use ‘Problem Solving’ Keywords

Keywords are the foundation of any SEO strategy because they help you target potential customers who are searching for terms related to your business goals. If you want to rank for a particular keyword, you need to make sure that the keyword is relevant to your niche and that it is a commonly searched term.

Additionally, you should consider the problems that your product or service solves and search for keywords that are related to those problems. By targeting relevant and popular keywords, you can improve your chances of ranking high in search engine results pages, which will ultimately help you attract more customers.

Use Low-Volume Keywords to Create Awareness

In any industry, there are always going to be some keywords that are more popular than others. And when you’re first starting out, it can be tempting to try and target those high-volume keywords in an effort to get more traffic to your site.

However, if you don’t have any authority in that space and your content isn’t top-notch, then you’ll never be able to convert those visitors into paying customers.

Instead, it’s better to target zero search volume keywords that are specific to the industry. That way, you can build awareness of your brand and start earning trust among customers who are looking for something new. Once you’ve built enough content around your target keyword, it will start ranking on page 1 of Google results – and stay there as long as the content is relevant and up-to-date. As a result, you’ll have more credibility in the eyes of potential customers who are looking for something new in their industry, but unsure where to look.

The Bottom Line on Targeting Zero Search Volume Keywords

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There’s no easy answer when it comes to the best keywords to target for your business. However, if you want to increase your chances of driving sales conversions, then you should focus on targeting zero search volume keywords that are relevant to your product or service. These keywords may have lower search volume, but they’re much more specific – which means they’re more likely to attract people who are ready to buy. So, if you’re looking to boost your bottom line, then start by targeting the right keywords.


Should You Target Zero Search Volume Keywords? 17

If you’re looking for an edge in Google search results, you need ContentX10. This revolutionary service provides high quality SEO content and backlink services that can help your business rank higher than your competitors in the search results that matter to your business.

ContentX10 is the only SEO content writing service that gets you links from high-authority websites. This means that your business will get valuable backlinks from sites that are trusted by Google. Not only will this help your business to rank higher, but it will also bring more traffic to your website. With ContentX10, you can be sure that your business is getting the most out of its online presence. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get the results you’re looking for.


keywords, SEO

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